The Power of Authentic Engagement: Staying Connected with Your Readers

Let's talk about the power of staying genuinely connected with your readers, especially when life throws us curveballs. It’s these moments, when we manage to touch base even amidst chaos, that can really strengthen our bonds.


Building Trust Through Transparency

You know, being honest about what’s going on in our lives can really resonate with people. In my newsletter, I try to keep you in the loop, not just with the good stuff but also the challenging bits. It’s not about oversharing, but about letting you know why there might be a little gap before my next newsletter, post, or update. It’s all about building trust and connection, right? The same applies to your communication with your readers. Transparency isn't just about sharing the ups; it's about being open about the downs too. This honesty builds trust and likeability, and shows your readers that they are valued members of your community. For authors, this could mean sharing insights into your writing challenges or explaining delays in your book launches. It’s about making your readers feel like part of your journey.

If you're not sure why it's important to make your readers feel like a valued part of your reader community, consider the impact of loyal readers on your bottom line. Readers who like and feel connected to you as a person, and not only your writing, are more likely to become "loyal" readers (aka return readers). One study from 2020 shows that loyal readers will consume 5x more of your content (or books) than casual readers. These readers are also more likely to recommend you to a friend, who over 40% of readers trust most when choosing their next read (WordsRated, October 2023). 


Quality Over Quantity

I believe in quality over quantity. While consistency is important, I’d rather send you one heartfelt, meaty email that brings value than just spam your inbox because "that's what the schedule says." The same goes for the content you share with your readers. When crafting your messages or book promotions, think about what will genuinely interest and benefit your readers. This approach not only enhances the relevance of your communications but also increases the likelihood that your readers will engage with and remember your messages.

A word to the wise here, as well. If you're not sure what your readers will find most interesting, or you find that they aren't engaging with your content, there's one surefire way to find out why: ask. One pitfall I see many authors fall into is assuming they know what their readers want to hear, and that's not always the case. So take some time to learn what your readers want from you so you can deliver it.


Adding That Personal Touch

I like to think of each email or social media post as a little coffee chat between us. I try to share things that not only interest you but also give you a little peek into my world. And when you guys respond? That’s the best part. It turns a monologue into a dialogue, and that’s where the magic happens. For authors, this might mean sharing anecdotes from your daily life that inspire your stories, or offering insights into the creation of your characters and worlds. It personalizes your content and makes each interaction something special and memorable.


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