Build Buzz with an Effective ARC Team! 🐝

When it comes to book marketing, an Advance Review Copy (ARC) team can be your secret weapon. They’re the passionate readers who will provide early feedback and generate buzz before your book's release. They'll also post their review on release day, and if you sell on Amazon, that's vital for your rank and visibility. In this newsletter, we’ll explore the best ways I've learned to build and manage an effective ARC team. 📘✨


1. Building Your ARC Team

  • Identify Ideal Members: Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to add to an existing team, the best place to start is with your superfans. Not only are you likely to get great feedback and positive honest reviews, but they'll be super excited for the chance to get your book before its public release!
  • Recruit Thoughtfully: When recruiting from your existing fan base, you can reach out via email (if you have it), social media, and reader communities. But what if you're new to this whole author thing? That's okay. I recommend paid ads on Facebook and Instagram to both new and experienced authors for ARC Team building. Just remember to have people "apply," and be sure to vet your applicants before accepting them to your team. 
  • Set Clear Expectations: Let potential ARC Team members know upfront what you expect in terms of feedback, reviews, etc. I like to detail all of this on the application form.


2. Managing Your ARC Team

  • Provide Easy Access: The vast majority of authors exclusively send digital ARCs to their team. I highly recommend using a service like BookFunnel to distribute your ARCs, so your team can read your book on any platform or reader they choose. But however you get your book to your ARC team, make it easy and simple to access it, and be sure to provide instructions.
  • Communication is Key: Keep your team updated with regular communication, providing updates, guidelines, and timelines. You can do this via email, or through your ARC community. More of that below.
  • Offer Incentives: Show appreciation through exclusive content, early access to special releases (like special editions), or acknowledgments. Another great way to show appreciation is by offering your ARC team either occasional or standing discounts in your author store.
  • Accountability is Necessary: Inevitably, there will be members of your ARC Team who don't fulfill their end of the bargain. How you deal with these situations is up to you, but it's important for you to have a method of tracking who is and is not posting reviews. If you don't, you're throwing money away!


3. Motivating Your ARC Team

  • Create a Community: Foster a sense of community through dedicated groups, encouraging discussion and feedback. Many authors have dedicated Facebook groups for their ARC readers. Other options include Discord, Slack, Instagram Broadcast Channels, Mighty Networks, and just about any other community-building platform. And make sure you're active in the group, interacting closely with your ARC Team.
  • Celebrate Successes: Highlight team members who go above and beyond in sharing reviews and spreading the word about your book. Share great reviews in newsletters, social posts, etc.
  • Encourage Honest Reviews: Let them know that genuine feedback is appreciated and that honest reviews help improve your work. It's important for your ARC readers to understand that they are not expected or required to leave a positive review.


4. Maximizing ARC Impact

  • Early Marketing Push: Use the reviews from your ARC team in your marketing efforts to create anticipation. They make for fantastic social posts!
  • Amplify Positive Reviews: Share standout reviews on your website, social media, and other platforms to boost credibility and excitement. You can and should also feature them in newsletters, in your author store, on Kickstarters—anywhere and everywhere!
  • Continuous Feedback Loop: Gather feedback from your ARC team on what worked and what could be improved for future book launches, whether it's regarding the ARC process, leaving their reviews, or the book itself.


Leverage Your ARC Team for Maximum Impact!

A well-organized ARC team can be a game-changer for your book's success. If you need help building or managing your ARC team, let's connect. Together, we can make your next book launch the talk of the town.