Welcome to Sweet Honey Marketing!


Marketing Your Books is Our Specialty

Welcome to Sweet Honey Marketing, where we help multi-published indie authors thrive in the digital world. As book lovers at heart, we're addicted to the written word. Reading is not just a job requirement for us; it's a passion. We're the type of people who will stay up all night to finish a good book, and then feel like we've lost a friend when it's over. Our love of reading is what fuels our work in digital marketing. We believe that every book has the potential to change someone's life, and we're here to help authors reach as many readers as possible. So whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, we'd love to partner with you to bring your books to the world.

Hey there!

I'm Kelley! 

Are you an author with an established backlist looking to get your books into the hands of the right readers and make some serious cash? Well, you've come to the right place!

I've got the expertise and the know-how to help you sell your books like hotcakes. With my proven digital marketing strategies, I've helped authors sell nearly 3.5 million books worldwide and have helped accumulate nearly 1.7 billion page reads through Kindle Unlimited. 

Let me help you achieve your dreams and start earning the money you deserve from your hard work. Ready to take the leap? Let's connect and get started!

Get Started

Hey there, fellow book lover!


Tired of pouring your heart and soul into writing a book, only to have it get lost in the vast sea of titles out there? Selling books is truly the unicorn of the advertising world, and let's face it- it's tough to crack the code on successfully selling your books every single day.

No strategy that works for any other industry is completely applicable or works for book sales. It takes time, effort, and a unique approach to really make your book stand out from the crowd. The truth is, marketing your book is just as important as writing it.

Sure, your book may be amazing, but in today's world, it's not enough to guarantee success. Did you know that the number of self-published books has increased by 264% in the past 5 years?* That's a lot of competition. And unfortunately, a book doesn't have to be good to sell well. It just has to be marketed well.

And that's where I come in. I've worked with individual authors and publishing companies to successfully market hundreds of books. You deserve to make money selling your books, and not just a few dollars either. Seriously, you deserve to make a real profit from your hard work.

So what are you waiting for? Let's get started today and start selling your books consistently. Trust me, it's time to let the world know that your books exist among the piles of others.


What We Offer

Author Consultation

Are you disappointed with the sales of your books and feeling discouraged? Don't lose hope just yet! Imagine having a personalized consultation call with Kelley, an expert in the book marketing industry, who can help you identify the barriers holding you back and provide actionable steps to boost your sales rapidly. Don't let your hard work go unnoticed, take control of your book's success today and schedule a one-on-one consultation call with Kelley.
Book My Call!

LaunchPad Author Marketing Intensive

Ready to supercharge your book's release? Join the LaunchPad Author Marketing Intensive, where you'll get expert guidance, two in-depth Zoom sessions, unlimited email support, and 30 days of invaluable marketing advice. Take the first step towards a successful book launch today!


Digital Marketing

Not everyone has the time or inclination to DIY their book marketing. That's why I'm here! Whether you just don't have the extra time, have too many books to handle on your own, or want to spend your life doing things that you actually enjoy, I am here to take your book marketing off your shoulders. Let me take your book marketing to the next level and watch your book soar to new heights!

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Amazon Prime Days: Last-Minute Tips for Authors 📚🚀

In Loving Memory of Honey Bea 🌈

Beta Readers vs. ARC Teams: Know the Difference to Maximize Your Bo...

Build Buzz with an Effective ARC Team! 🐝

 Looking for Book Sales Accelerator?


Exciting news! We're in the process of revamping and improving BSA to include some of your most requested topics! Things like Selling Direct, Influencer Marketing, and more! We've closed the doors to BSA while we make it even better. Sign up here to be notified when the doors reopen.



A Note from Kelley:


Things in the book world are pretty crazy right now. Amazon's been throwing us some curveballs, and it's left a lot of authors scratching their heads.

But hey, I'm right here for you. Feel free to shoot me any questions you've got during this whole topsy-turvy ride. I'm more than happy to help out.

[email protected]